Now that the roulette is gone, it's time for something a little more simple. Yes, that's right. The roulette is being replaced with a better gacha system! You'll now be able to play for characters, companions, or items only (without needing to pray that you get that one character you want but you land on a companion egg instead)! The price to play has also been reduced from the original 50 RSR to 25 RSR. Additionally, if you have 250 RSR, you can draw for characters, companions, and items 10 times in a single play (You also get a Super Rare Character/Companion guaranteed)! We hope you look forward to it.
Gacha Preview
Character Gacha:
Companion Gacha:
Item Gacha:
Special Egg Gacha:
Here's the first look at gacha!
Original Game Jolt Article: